Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Curative Herbs

Curative herbs:


Aloe Relieves constipation. Boil and drink the concentrated water. Grow outdoors in warm climates, plant in full sun or light shade. Needs fast draining fertile soil. In the winter needs less water in the summer soak the soil and make sure it is completely dry before re-watering.

Basil Antiseptic for mouth sores. Use as a gargle. Boil in water and cool and gargle. Soil must be well dug and weed free. Moist soil is needed so water the day before planting. Sow in late March when there is no frost. Sow thinly, cover with ½ cm of compost and firm gently. Water every week (avoid wetting stems). Pinch out any flowers that grow. Harvest the top leaves first.

Coriander Helps to increase appetite. Controls bacteria and fungi. Add to meals. Needs light well-drained soil after the last frost. Sow thinly in shallow drills and cover with compost. Pinch the flowers off.

Eucalyptus Anti-bacterial (lungs/bronchitis). Prepare a tea from the leaves. Plant in full sun, in average soil. Don’t use fertilizer. Will not tolerate much moisture in soil. Water before and after planting and plant before winter sets. Plant 1”-2” inches below soil surface. Firm soil and water regularly.

Garlic Anti-bacterial/antiviral and antifungal. Aids in digestion and feelings of weakness. Good for treating throat infections, herpes and diarrhea. Make in a tea or add to food. Plant in full sun and in well drained soil. Good with all soil types. Fall planting is best. Plant 4-6 weeks before significant ground freezing may occur. Plant 2” below soil. Water the soil several hours before planting so it is moist and not muddy.

Ginger Improves digestion, relieves nausea, relieves diarrhea. Drink as a tea or add to food. Plant in a lightly shaded site with rich and well-drained soil. Plant in the Spring when temperatures are 75 degrees to 85 degrees F. Soak overnight in warm water before sowing then set them just under the surface with the buds facing up. Water lightly at first then more heavily when growth starts. Is mature when 2-4 feet.

Lemon Grass Calming, stress-relief, good digestion. Drink as a tea. Purchase lemongrass stalks with roots. Place in shallow water and room temperature to sprout. Once roots are an inch or two long it’s time to transfer to soil. Plant after frost and bring indoors during winter months.

Mint Anti-inflammatory helps digestion. Drink tea or gargle for mouth sores or chew leaves for digestion. Mint needs room away from others to roam freely. Plant in partial shade and in moist moderately rich soil. Plant in early Spring. Does not grow well from seeds. Keep soil moist. Pinch stem ends off each spring to keep plants bushy.

Neem Brings down fever. Boil twig and drink as tea or chew bark. Grows in almost all types of soil. Well-drained soil is necessary. Thrives on dry stony shallow soil. Neem tree needs little water and sunlight. Neem grows slowly during first year of planting. A neem tree bears fruit between 3-5 years. Protect from intensive shade, frost and cold.

Peppermint Helps nausea and controls vomiting and sleeplessness. Drink as a tea. Grows naturally

Thyme Antiseptic, antifungal, relaxes coughing and increases mucus secretions. Gargle as a mouthwash. Plant in well-drained light soil. Sow seeds in March and cover lightly with compost. Once seedlings sprout and danger of frost has passed move outside. Plant a distance apart. Don’t harvest first year. Water only in day conditions. Harvest year round.

Wormwood Antiseptic, helps with gastric pain and is a fever reducer. Plant in dry soil in bright sunlight. Make sure the soil is rich. *Toxic if taken in large doses!

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