Monday, December 17, 2007


So I've survived fundraising trip number four!
Unfortunately this is not our final trip because we are approx $17,000 dollars below goal. So joy of all joys, it seems as though we'll be back out on the icy pavement in January.
I can't wait!
Truly I can't think of anything I'd love to do more.

Today is VISA preparation day. I'm in North Adams at a coffee shop waiting for a physical so that I can get a letter declaring that I am in good health. The Angolan visa is so difficult. It's taken so long to schedule all of our tests and paper work. At least Tamika and I were able to get our criminal record reports earlier today, so hopefully we're on the right track and will be saying tchau to the US very very very soon.

Our final day of fundraising in Boston was a bust. Tons of people were on the streets but nobody felt the need to stop or donate any money. Shopping was first and foremost in every ones mind. The people in both Boston and Cambridge were extremely rude and snotty. I think we made only $60 dollars on Saturday there. Yep,, it sucked.

Yesterday, on a up note was fantastic. We had yet another winter storm which dumped snow on our mountain to the extent that we couldn't fundraise or do anything so Tamika and I stayed in our warm little room and watched movies all day.
Our film festival included :
St. Elimo's Fire
Children of a Lesser God
Bridget Jones' Diary
A Fish Called Wanda

Yes, our choices are somewhat limited considering we have an old VCR player and can only chose movies from the IICD video library. This afternoon and into the evening we will resume our film festivities.

Ok, it's cold!

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