Friday, January 25, 2008

Rock the vote 08'

Bom Dia! If you are an American and a voter, and you are interested to see how the presidential candidates feel regarding issues of global poverty and how they plan to work towards the Millineum Development Goals check out

These issues are important and are often lost in discussions about other crucial issues such as the war in Iraq and the economy. At major presidential candidates from John McCain to Hillary Clinton speak out about their plans (or lack there of) to eradicate global poverty.


One of Africa’s many folk tales is the story of the mouse who tried to mobilize his fellow animals- the chicken, the goat, and the cow- to remove a mousetrap. Well, they did not care about the mousetrap, since it posed no danger to them. But then it happened that a very dangerous snake got caught in the mousetrap and when the farmer wanted to take it out, he was bitten. Now, when bit by a snake you immediately have to wash the bite with blood from a chicken, so the chicken was slaughtered.
As the farmer became more ill and unable to work, the family had to slaughter the goat to have enough food to eat. And alas, when the farmer died from the bite, the family had to slaughter the cow to have food enough for all the people coming to the funeral.

Moral: Don’t turn your back on the problems of your fellow human beings, because they will end up being your problems as well.
Empower yourselves and make good decisions!

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