Friday, March 7, 2008

I am very frustrated because I haven't taught any classes yet. I was supposed to begin teaching on Thursday but it didn't work out.
I have been productive working on the garden project however. Yesterday we were up at five. It had rained during the night so the earth was so cool, moist and fragrant. There's something so relaxing about getting down on your hands and knees and working with the earth as the sun rises. It was like an active meditation. I truly appreciate the instant gratification that goes along with manual labor.
Other than that, I've been doing the usual.
I have mastered the art of hacking into a coconut with a machete. I'm now addicted to coconuts. They are my new favorite.
I still can't fetch water at the well very effectively. My bucket is always an eighth full. I'm not catching on to this art form at all, but I'm hopeful that soon I will be able to fetch water like an old pro.
Lunch time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who cares if you can fill your bucket completely? I want to see you balance it on your head! lol ; )Krista